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Free Webinar: Russian Sanctions in the Spotlight


Free Webinar: Russian Sanctions in the Spotlight

What exactly is the new Regime on Russian Sanctions and how can UAE companies function in this complexity? 

Russian Sanctions seem to be the new reality with further sanctions being imposed on individuals and entities with Russian ownership. Sanctions continue to squeeze the Russian economy influencing the international business scenery as companies need to ensure that sanctioned individuals and entities are not among their current business operations. Penalties for getting this wrong are becoming more and more strict.

When it comes to sanction regimes in general, UAE authorities do impose imprisonment or even fines between AED 50,000 to AED 5,000,000 per violation. Additionally, companies do face additional administrative penalties, including the cancellation of their trade license and being banned from working in the sector related to their violation.

Is this though the case when it comes to UAE and Russia Sanctions?

Infocredit Group and ICG Mecos present the webinar: “Russian Sanctions in the Spotlight: What exactly is the new Regime on Russian Sanctions and how can UAE companies function in this complexity? “on the 4th of July 2022, 15.30- 16.15 GST, on the Zoom Platform.

Join this free webinar to find out how UAE companies are been affected by these sanctions and what should companies need to be aware of.

More specifically this seminar examines:

  • Russian Sanctions in the content of UAE
  • At to what extent UAE companies are affected and how?
  • Pitfalls and dangers that lie ahead for UAE operating companies 
  • What tools are available to assist them in this complex situation

The webinar is free of charge (registration is needed).

For more information and registration send us an email at [email protected] (Name, Surname, Company, Position) or give us a call at +357 22398000 (Cyprus Office), +971 4 333 8188 (Dubai Office).