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Ciphertrace, a Mastercard Company, that delivers scalable crypto asset intelligence solutions. It guides some of the largest banks, crypto exchanges, law enforcement and government agencies and other financial institutions around the world, to help identify and mitigate crypto risk. Powered by fully auditable and independently verified data attribution, its insights help make crypto safe and secure.


CipherTrace solutions ensure that the crypto economy is instilled with the same trust and peace of mind that consumers currently experience with traditional payment methods:


1. Armada - Assists banks, payment providers, and regulators uncover virtual currency-related transactions for use in risk and fraud models by mapping legal names and account numbers to Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs). Armada’s VASP Risk Monitor allows users to view, filter, sort, and drill down on VASP risk- and fraud-related data points, such as asset profiles, domiciled location, and transactional risk profiling. Also included are VASPs’ cyber risk scores, powered by RiskRecon, enabling the assessment of the quality of cybersecurity risk performance, based on a company’s internet-facing IT profile.

2Inspector - CipherTrace’s enormous repository of attribution data ties crypto-addresses to real-world organizations, sanctioned entities, IP addresses, and events. Complete transactional histories and a graphical explorer make it easy to “follow the money,” and integrated case management capabilities power collaborative investigation.

3. Sentry - CipherTrace Sentry empowers VASPs, such as crypto exchanges and crypto over-the-counter (OTC) desks, to automatically screen incoming and proposed outgoing transactions for suspicious activities in compliance with company policies. The Sentry App allows internal business systems to take full advantage of Ciphertrace data in real-time “know your transaction” (KYT) monitoring situations for compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CFT) regulations. It includes a rules creation workbench, alerts queue and workflow capabilities, and case management to support investigations.

4. Virtual Entity Risk Assessments - Gain a thorough understanding of VASPs and other virtual asset-related entities through Virtual Entity Risk Assessment. This service rates the overall risk of an entity across key risk factors. Leveraging proprietary Mastercard tools and data, an extensive due diligence is performed on VASP(s) to highlight risk considerations to meet individual clients’ needs.

5. Professional Services - CipherTrace risk management consulting and advisory services, that enable clients to better build, implement and enhance compliance controls to mitigate financial, reputational and regulatory risks associated with cryptocurrency and VASP exposure.


  • AML, Sanctions and Travel Rule Compliance - Continuously monitor incoming and outgoing crypto transactions for compliance violations and SARs-triggering events. Securely comply with Travel Rule regulations.
  • Crypto risk, due diligence, and fraud detection - Measure your crypto exposure from destination and origin of fiat funds and risk rate virtual asset service providers.
  • Financial Investigation - Collaboratively explore suspicious activity, uncover money laundering, and trace stolen funds, ransomware, and illicit payments.
  • Investigation and training services - Learn how to investigate crimes more effectively and comply with regulations. Leverage our expertise for challenging cases. CipherTrace can field a deeply experienced financial investigations team to help with high-value, high-profile audit, fraud and theft cases. This team also offers hands-on experience using the world’s most advanced blockchain forensics tools. Training by seasoned intelligence agents and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) officers can lead to accreditation as a Cryptocurrency Tracing Certified Examiner (CTCE).


Request your Free Demo on CipherTrace solutions or for any other additional information by emailing us at [email protected].