Our unique in-house database includes information retrieved from a number of official and public sources and offers an insight into a company’s structure, registration details, activities and financial health. The database contains information on all entities registered at the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver including:
- Companies
- Business names
- Partnerships
- Overseas Companies registered in Cyprus
The largest and most comprehensive commercial database in Cyprus!
By utilising the vast amount of data included in our database, we can perform a comprehensive data analysis on a company that includes all available information including:
- Registration details (Registered Name, Registered Address, Registration Number etc.)
- Director, Secretary and Shareholder information
- Capital (Issued, No. of Shares, Nominal, Value etc.)
- Payment records and Charges (Current and Historic)
- Negative information and bankruptcies
- Financial Statements (if available)
- Credit scoring assessment based on financial and non-financial variables
- Gain immediate access to the most comprehensive database on Cypriot entities
- Develop your KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures by obtaining an in-depth analysis of the entity under investigation
- Gain access to the subject entity’s family tree and the related entities of its Directors/Shareholders
- Assess the transactional behaviour of the subject entity as well as its related parties
- Obtain industry trade references to corroborate the data collected
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